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F.R.H.A.N.K is an artificially intelligent, socially curated gaming humanoid robot that acts as a side-kick to celebrity youtube gamer vlogger Ali-A.

The Fridge Raider Hunger Automated Nutritional Kit, or F.R.H.A.N.K. for short, was Ali-A’s side-kick for 7 months between October 2014 and April 2015.

During this period he was hanging out, playing Call of Duty, learning how to speak ‘Gamer’ and serving Fridge Raiders. Several videos produced incorporating the Ali-A and FRHANK, accumulated over 15m views through Ali-A’s youtube channel and micro-site frhank.com.

The robot is the theme of an advertisement campaign by Saatchi+Saatchi for Mattessons Fridge Raiders and collaboration with us (RoboSavvy),WEIR+WONG and Hirsch&Mann that led to create the world’s first socially curated, artificially intelligent gaming robot.

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