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Pololu - 5V, 5.5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator D36V50F5

Pololu - 5V, 5.5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator D36V50F5

UM7-LT Orientation Sensor (AHRS / IMU)

£164.70 £137.25
The UM7 is a 3rd-generation Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) that takes advantage of state-of-the-art MEMS technology to improve performance and reduce costs. Like its predecessors, the UM7 combines triaxial accelerometer, rate gyro, and magnetometer data using a sophisticated Extended Kalman Filter to produce attitude and heading estimates.

The UM7 is a 3rd-generation Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS / IMU) that takes advantage of state-of-the-art MEMS technology to improve performance and reduce costs. Like its predecessors, the UM7 combines triaxial accelerometer, rate gyro, and magnetometer data using a sophisticated Extended Kalman Filter to produce attitude and heading estimates.

The UM7 also adds many new features, including higher gyro bias stability and lower noise, a new communication architecture for improved flexibility, optional NMEA packet transmission, UTC time-synchronization with external GPS, and support for third-order temperature compensation on all sensors.

Even with its added features, the UM7 is offered at a significantly reduced priced compared to other sensors in its class.

The UM7 comes with one 5-pin cable assembly for the main IO header.

High performance

  • Excellent gyro bias stability over temperature
  • Adjustable low-pass filter and EKF settings provide customizable performance for various applications.
  • States and sensor data synchronized to GPS position and velocity using optional external GPS module.
  • Supports alignment calibration and third-order bias and scale factor temperature compensation for accels, gyros, and magnetometer (optionally performed in-factory or by the end-user).
  • Magnetometer soft and hard-iron calibration

Lower Cost

  • State-of-the-art MEMS devices designed for mass-market consumer applications drastically lowers cost
  • OEM version reduces overall cost, size, and weight

Ease of use

  • Transmits data using human-readable NMEA strings, binary packets for higher efficiency, or a combination of both
  • Flexible communication architecture allows UM7 to transmit any combination of data at individually adjustable rates
  • Connects to the CHR Serial Interface software to allow for real-time plotting of sensor data, logging, device configuration, and magnetometer calibration

Attitude and Heading Specifications

  • EKF estimation rate: 500 Hz
  • +/- 1 degree typical static pitch/roll accuracy
  • +/- 3 degree typical dynamic pitch/roll accuracy
  • +/- 3 degree typical static yaw accuracy
  • +/- 5 degree typical dynamic yaw accuracy
  • 0.5 degree angle repeatability
  • 0.01 degree angular resolution

Other Specifications

  • Input voltage: 5.0V
  • Communication: 3.3V TTL UART, SPI bus
  • Supported baud rates: 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 128000, 153600, 230400, 256000, 460800, 921600
  • Power consumption: 50mA at 5.0V
  • Operating temperature: -40 to +85 C
  • Dimensions: 1.06″ x 1.02″ x 0.26″ (27mm x 26mm x 6.5mm)
  • Weight: 0.4 oz. (11 grams)
  • Data outputs rates: 1 Hz to 255 Hz (binary packets), 1 Hz to 100 Hz (NMEA packets)
  • Output data: Attitude and heading (Euler Angles), Attitude quaternion, GPS altitude, position, velocity (w/ external GPS), magnetometer, accelerometer, gyro data


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Manufacturer Pololu
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