This is a pretty straight-forward HAT for bringing simple cluster computing to the Raspberry Pi A+ and B+ lines. The Cluster HAT from 8086 allows for up to 4 Raspberry Pi Zero or Zero W boards to be connected to a Raspberry Pi A+ or B+ based board (A+/B+/2/3/4). With the Pi Zeros in USB Gadget Mode, the system functions as a small-scale computer cluster. The Zeros plug directly into the HAT via on-board USB 2.0 MicroB connectors.
This is a pretty straight-forward HAT for bringing simple cluster computing to the Raspberry Pi A+ and B+ lines. The Cluster HAT from 8086 allows for up to 4 Raspberry Pi Zero or Zero W boards to be connected to a Raspberry Pi A+ or B+ based board (A+/B+/2/3/4). With the Pi Zeros in USB Gadget Mode, the system functions as a small-scale computer cluster. The Zeros plug directly into the HAT via on-board USB 2.0 MicroB connectors.
Note: This is just the HAT, USB interface cable, and mounting hardware. All Raspberry Pis must be purchased separately.
Cluster HAT
USB A to Micro B Cable (plugs HAT into host Pi)
Mounting hardware
USB Gadget Mode Functionality: Ethernet and Serial Console.
Onboard 4 port USB 2.0 hub.
Raspberry Pi Zeros are powered via Controller Pi GPIO (USB optional).
Individual Raspberry Pi Zero power controlled via Controller Pi GPIO (I2C).
Connector for Controller Serial Console (FTDI Basic).
Controller Pi can be rebooted without interrupting power to Pi Zeros, network recovers on boot.