The Elektor MIT App Inventor Bundle is a kit built to help learn about developing apps for Android compatible mobile devices using the MIT App Inventor online development environment. MIT App Inventor projects can be in either standalone mode or use an external processor. In standalone mode, the developed application runs only on the mobile device (e.g. Android). In external processor-based applications, the mobile device communicates with an external microcontroller-based processor, such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, etc.
The Elektor MIT App Inventor Bundle is a kit built to help learn about developing apps for Android compatible mobile devices using the MIT App Inventor online development environment. MIT App Inventor projects can be in either standalone mode or use an external processor. In standalone mode, the developed application runs only on the mobile device (e.g. Android). In external processor-based applications, the mobile device communicates with an external microcontroller-based processor, such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, etc.
The kit comes with a book and a selection of parts that correspond with a number of projects. Check out the features and Includes tab for more information.
MIT App Inventor Book
Elektor MIT App Inventor Starter Kit
4x LED
4x 470 Ohm resistor
1x 330 Ohm resistor
1x 1K resistor
1x 2K resistor
1x 100 Ohm resistor
1x DC motor (small)
1x DHT11 sensor
1x 1N4148 diode (small)
1x 4-way relay module
1x HC-06 Bluetooth module
1x Parallel LCD 16x2 monochrome
1x I²C LCD
1x LM35DZ sensor chip
1x Small stepper motor (28BYJ-48)
1x Stepper motor driver board (ULN2003)
1x ESP-01 processor
1x NPN transistor BC547
6x F-M jumper wires
6x M-M jumper wires
1x Breadboard (small)
Projects Include:
Using the text-to-speech component
Intonating a received SMS message
Sending SMS messages
Making telephone calls using a contacts list
Using the GPS and Pin-pointing our location on a map
Speech recognition and speech translation to another language
Controlling multiple relays by speech commands
Projects for the Raspberry Pi, ESP32 and Arduino using Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
MIT APP Inventor and Node-RED projects for the Raspberry Pi