A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor, so start learning how to solder with this kit! With this Lighthouse soldering kit you will be able to learn the basics and some intermediate skills of soldering by being able to assemble an Isophase lighthouse! Each Lighthouse kit takes about 10-20min to assemble with basic soldering materials (not included). Fear not all you lovers of Lovecraft and occulting lighthouses, by changing the value of the resistors you can change the flashing pattern!
Every Lighthouse Beginner Soldering Kit includes one lighthouse PCB and base, a CR2032 battery holder, four resistors, two NPN transistors, two capacitors, a power switch and a single white LED for the lighthouse light!. All you need to supply (besides a soldering iron and solder) is a CR2032 coin cell battery since it is not included to make shipping easier.
Note: Since this product is a kit, assembly and a basic knowledge of soldering will be required. The Lighthouse soldering kit does not come pre-assembled.
Manufacturer | SparkFun |