The M7E Hecto boasts high performance, reading tags at an impressive rate of up to 300 tags per second and writing at 80 milliseconds. It provides adjustable power output ranging from 0dBm to 27dBm. A suitable external antenna (sold separately) enables reading tags from distances up to 16 feet (4.9 meters). The on-board antenna offers a read range of one to two feet. Range performance depends on a wide variety of parameters so range results may vary.
For a solder-free setup, the reader connects directly to a computer via USB-C, allowing you to read tags immediately. This is thanks to the built-in CH340C converter. The reader also offers flexibility in power options. You can choose between USB-C or a 0.1in.-header for connecting to an external 3.3V source or microcontroller of your choice. A convenient switch on the board lets you effortlessly switch between these interfaces.
Warning: Ensure that personnel do not stand in the radiation beam of the antenna unless they are more than 21cm away from the face of the antenna (to adhere to FCC limits for long-term exposure). See Datasheet for more information.