128-line Hybrid-solid State LiDAR
Smart Size with more Powerful Perception Performance
128 Lines
0.2°@10Hz, 0.4 °@20Hz °
ROI 0.125°,Non-ROI 0.25°
Long Range Detection
Scan Rate
Data Acquisition Rate
Power Consumption
Working Temperature
More Fits the Vechicle Body Design
Compared to mechanical LiDAR, most parts in CH series LiDAR are solid components, with only one rotation prism, which greatly improve the durability and assembly efficiency, and more likely to achieve large scale production.
Perimeter Security System
3D Protection System
Multi-sensor Fusion Perception System
Blind Spot Detection System
V2X Roadside Perception System
Railway Intrudment Inspection System (Train End)
Railway Intrudment Inspection System(Road End)
Railway Station Shelter Monitoring System
Manufacturer | LSLidar |